Welcome to my blog. I am not a very regular blogger, but I try to keep this site updated with news and information. If there's none of the above I may just share my random ruminations.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

A Proud Mother

At the moment I can think of no better use for my blog than to celebrate the achievement of my son, Thomas Williams

Thomas Williams

It's less than a year since the hardback of his book VIKING BRITAIN was published by William Collins.

August 9 is the publication date ot the paperback version of his book  and here it is in all its glory.

NB: Since I wrote this two weeks ago the publishers are already talking about a paperback reprint!


There are a few of my illustrations in the book but the very striking cover illustration was produced by Joe McLaren.

To follow Tom on Twitter - @battlescapes
To follow Tom on FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/thomasjtwilliams

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